Lånestatistik Bibliotek Mellansjö
Statistikrapporter som Bibliotek Mellansjö skapat.
En del av rapporterna är lätta bearbetningar av Hyltes rapporter som finns på den här sidan: Statistik
Andra rapporter är skrivna från scratch Och - precis som för Hylterapporterna krävs det att man byter ut exemplartyper och liknande till det man använder på sitt eget bibliotek
Fråga 10 Fysiskt bestånd
SELECT branchname, COUNT(CASE WHEN itype IN ('BARNBOK','BARNKORT','BOK','BOKCD','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISY','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3','BOKMP3BARN','KORTLON','LANGLAN','PAKET','REFERENS','SPRAKKURS','STORSTIL') THEN 1 END) 'Bestånd tryckt bok', COUNT(CASE WHEN itype IN ('LAROMDL','LAROMTERM') THEN 1 END) 'Bestånd läromedel', COUNT(CASE WHEN itype IN ('BARN LJUD','BARNMP3','LJUDBOK','MP3') THEN 1 END) 'Bestånd ljudböcker', COUNT(CASE WHEN itype IN ('BARNTAL','DAISY') THEN 1 END) 'Bestånd talböcker daisy', COUNT(CASE WHEN itype IN ('MUSIKCD') THEN 1 END) 'Bestånd musik', COUNT(CASE WHEN itype IN ('BLURAY','FILM','VHS') THEN 1 END) 'Bestånd film', COUNT(CASE WHEN itype IN ('KARTOR') THEN 1 END) 'Bestånd kartor', COUNT(CASE WHEN itype IN ('MUSIK') THEN 1 END) 'Bestånd noter', COUNT(CASE WHEN itype IN ('TV-SPEL') THEN 1 END) 'Bestånd TV-spel', COUNT(CASE WHEN itype IN ('ARTIKEL','BLANDAT','FOREMAL','SUFRPLATTA','VECKOLAN','X') THEN 1 END) 'Bestånd övrigt' FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE items.homebranch = <<Bibliotek|branches>>
Fråga 10 Fysiskt bestånd, en krångligare version
Vill man vara lite petig så stämmer inte ovanstående rapport, eftersom den räknar hur många exemplar som finns just när man köra rapporten - och det som efterfrågas av KB är bestånd på Nyårsafton. Egentligen borde man alltså räkna aktuellt antal exemplar, plus det som gallrats sedan nyår, minus det som förvärvats sedan nyår. Ett försök på en sådan rapport: Om man tar alternativet Alla bibliotek i en stor katalog kommer rapporten antagligen att krascha
SELECT CASE WHEN branches.branchname IS NULL THEN '=Summa' ELSE branches.branchname END AS Bibliotek, SUM(tryckt) AS 'Bestånd tryckt bok', SUM(laromedel) AS 'Bestånd läromedel', SUM(ljudbok) AS 'Bestånd ljudböcker', SUM(talbok) AS 'Bestånd talböcker daisy', SUM(musik) AS 'Bestånd musik', SUM(film) AS 'Bestånd film', SUM(kartor) AS 'Bestånd kartor', SUM(noter) 'Bestånd noter', SUM(tvspel) 'Bestånd Tv-spel', SUM(ovrigt) AS 'Bestånd övrigt' FROM ( (SELECT items.homebranch,1 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE items.itype IN ('BARNBOK','BARNKORT','BOK','BOKCD','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISY','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3','BOKMP3BARN','KORTLON','LANGLAN','PAKET','POCKET','REFERENS','SPRAKKURS','STORSTIL') AND items.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,1 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE items.itype IN ('LAROMDL','LAROMTERM') AND items.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,1 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE items.itype IN ('BARN LJUD','BARNMP3','KASSETT','LJUDBOK','MP3') AND items.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,1 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE items.itype IN ('BARNTAL','DAISY','TALBOKKASS') AND items.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,1 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE items.itype IN ('MUSIKCD','MUSCDBARN') AND items.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,1 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE items.itype IN ('BLURAY','FILM','VHS') AND items.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,1 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE items.itype IN ('KARTOR') AND items.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,1 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE items.itype IN ('MUSIK','MUSIKBARN') AND items.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,1 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE items.itype IN ('TV-SPEL') AND items.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,1 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE items.itype IN ('BLANDAT','BOKPASE','CDROM','FOREMAL','FOREMAL3MD','KONTROLL','SALLSKAPSS','SUFRPLATTA','VECKOLAN','X') AND items.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,-1 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.itype IN ('BARNBOK','BARNKORT','BOK','BOKCD','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISY','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3','BOKMP3BARN','KORTLON','LANGLAN','PAKET','POCKET','REFERENS','SPRAKKURS','STORSTIL') AND items.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,-1 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.itype IN ('LAROMDL','LAROMTERM') AND items.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,-1 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.itype IN ('BARN LJUD','BARNMP3','KASSETT','LJUDBOK','MP3') AND items.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,-1 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.itype IN ('BARNTAL','DAISY','TALBOKKASS') AND items.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,-1 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.itype IN ('MUSIKCD','MUSCDBARN') AND items.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,-1 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.itype IN ('BLURAY','FILM','VHS') AND items.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,-1 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.itype IN ('KARTOR') AND items.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,-1 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.itype IN ('MUSIK','MUSIKBARN') AND items.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,-1 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.itype IN ('TV-SPEL') AND items.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,-1 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.itype IN ('ARTIKEL','BLANDAT','BOKPASE','CDROM','FOREMAL','FOREMAL3MD','KONTROLL','SALLSKAPSS','SUFRPLATTA','VECKOLAN','X') AND items.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch,1 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN branches ON (deleteditems.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.itype IN ('BARNBOK','BARNKORT','BOK','BOKCD','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISY','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3','BOKMP3BARN','KORTLON','LANGLAN','PAKET','POCKET','REFERENS','SPRAKKURS','STORSTIL') AND deleteditems.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch,0 as tryckt,1 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN branches ON (deleteditems.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.itype IN ('LAROMDL','LAROMTERM') AND deleteditems.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,1 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN branches ON (deleteditems.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.itype IN ('BARN LJUD','BARNMP3','KASSETT','LJUDBOK','MP3') AND deleteditems.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,1 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN branches ON (deleteditems.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.itype IN ('BARNTAL','DAISY','TALBOKKASS') AND deleteditems.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,1 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN branches ON (deleteditems.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.itype IN ('MUSIKCD','MUSCDBARN') AND deleteditems.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,1 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN branches ON (deleteditems.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.itype IN ('BLURAY','FILM','VHS') AND deleteditems.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,1 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN branches ON (deleteditems.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.itype IN ('KARTOR') AND deleteditems.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,1 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN branches ON (deleteditems.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.itype IN ('MUSIK','MUSIKBARN') AND deleteditems.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,1 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN branches ON (deleteditems.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.itype IN ('TV-SPEL') AND deleteditems.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,1 as ovrigt FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN branches ON (deleteditems.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.itype IN ('ARTIKEL','BLANDAT','BOKPASE','CDROM','FOREMAL','FOREMAL3MD','KONTROLL','SALLSKAPSS','SUFRPLATTA','VECKOLAN','X') AND deleteditems.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>>) ) ds LEFT JOIN branches ON (branches.branchcode=ds.homebranch) GROUP BY branches.branchname WITH ROLLUP
Fråga 10 Fysiskt nyförvärv
SELECT branchname, COUNT(CASE WHEN itype IN ('BARNBOK','BARNKORT','BOK','BOKCD','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISY','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3','BOKMP3BARN','KORTLON','LANGLAN','PAKET','REFERENS','SPRAKKURS','STORSTIL') THEN 1 END) 'Nyförvärv tryckt bok', COUNT(CASE WHEN itype IN ('LAROMDL','LAROMTERM') THEN 1 END) 'Nyförvärv läromedel', COUNT(CASE WHEN itype IN ('BARN LJUD','BARNMP3','LJUDBOK','MP3') THEN 1 END) 'Nyförvärv ljudböcker', COUNT(CASE WHEN itype IN ('BARNTAL','DAISY') THEN 1 END) 'Nyförvärv talböcker daisy', COUNT(CASE WHEN itype IN ('MUSIKCD') THEN 1 END) 'Nyförvärv musik', COUNT(CASE WHEN itype IN ('BLURAY','FILM','VHS') THEN 1 END) 'Nyförvärv film', COUNT(CASE WHEN itype IN ('KARTOR') THEN 1 END) 'Nyförvärv kartor', COUNT(CASE WHEN itype IN ('MUSIK') THEN 1 END) 'Nyförvärv noter', COUNT(CASE WHEN itype IN ('TV-SPEL') THEN 1 END) 'Nyförvärv TV-spel', COUNT(CASE WHEN itype IN ('ARTIKEL','BLANDAT','FOREMAL','SUFRPLATTA','VECKOLAN','X') THEN 1 END) 'Nyförvärv övrigt' FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE items.homebranch = <<Bibliotek|branches>> AND items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum från|date>>-INTERVAL 1 DAY AND <<Datum till |date>>+INTERVAL 1 DAY GROUP BY homebranch
Fråga 10, tidskrifter
Fråga 10 är knepig - har man bara ett fåtal titlar är det helt klart enklare att räkna för hand än att köra en rapport!
Det som efterfrågas är inte antalet prenumerationer utan unika titlar per kommun, dessutom ska man inte räkna veckotidningar som exempelvis Land och ICA-kuriren. Och nyförvärv ska man bara rapportera om titeln är ny för kommunen - om en filial startar en nyprenumeration av en titel som redan finns på HB räknas det inte som nyförvärv.
Det här är ett första försök att lösa frågan med en rapport. Villkoret är att man ska ha ankomstregistrerat (serial.status=2) mer än ett nummer under året - jag har helt enkelt antagit att enstaka nummer är eftersläntare från föregående år. För oss är subscription_frequencies.id=4 för veckotidningar. Enklaste sättet att få fram den siffran för sitt eget system är att gå under Periodika > Hantera frekvenser > klicka på Redigera - så ser man i URLen vilket nummer man ska välja.
I den här versionen så visas texten Ny i högraste kolumnen så fort det finns en nystartad prenumeration - oavsett om man har haft prenumerationer på titeln tidigare eller inte. Fritt fram att fixa för den som kommer på hur det ska göras
SELECT biblio.title AS Titel ,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT branches.branchname SEPARATOR '<br>') AS 'Bibliotek',COUNT(serialid) AS 'Antal mottagna nummer',GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT subscriptionhistory.histstartdate SEPARATOR '<br>') AS Startdatum, CASE WHEN subscriptionhistory.histstartdate > <<Datum från|date>> THEN 'Ny' ELSE '' END AS 'Ny?' FROM subscription LEFT JOIN biblio ON (biblio.biblionumber=subscription.biblionumber) LEFT JOIN serial on (serial.subscriptionid=subscription.subscriptionid) LEFT JOIN branches ON (branches.branchcode=subscription.branchcode) LEFT JOIN subscription_frequencies ON (subscription_frequencies.id=subscription.periodicity) LEFT JOIN subscriptionhistory ON (subscriptionhistory.subscriptionid=subscription.subscriptionid) WHERE serial.status='2' AND subscription_frequencies.id NOT IN ('4') AND serial.publisheddate BETWEEN <<Datum från|date>>-INTERVAL 1 DAY AND <<Datum till |date>>+INTERVAL 1 DAY AND subscription.branchcode IN ('Sigel1','Sigel2','Sigel3') GROUP BY subscription.biblionumber HAVING COUNT(serialid)>1 ORDER BY biblio.title
Fråga 11 olika bestånd - om man har en placeringskod för skönlitteratur
Det enklaste är naturligtvis om man har placeringskoder på alla exemplar - då kan man göra en så här enkel rapport
SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN itype IN ('BARNBOK','BARNKORT','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3BARN','BARN LJUD','BARNMP3','BARNTAL','MUSIKBARN','MUSIKBARN') THEN 1 END) 'Bestånd för barn och unga', COUNT(CASE WHEN location IN ('Skonlitteratur','Deckare','Deckare & Thriller','Fantasy','Fantasy/SF','Noveller') THEN 1 END) 'Bestånd av skönlitteratur', COUNT(CASE WHEN location IN ('REFERENS') THEN 1 END) 'Antal referensexemplar', COUNT(CASE WHEN itype IN ('BARNTAL','BOKCD','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3','BOKMP3BARN','DAISY','STORSTIL') THEN 1 WHEN location IN ('Lattlast','Appelhyllan') THEN 1 END) 'Bestånd läsnedsättning' FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE items.homebranch = <<Bibliotek|branches>>
Fråga 11 olika bestånd - om man måste utgå från hyllsignum (Mellansjös överkrångliga version)
Mellansjös rapport för Specialfrågor om bestånd ser ut som följer. Den går inte att använda rakt av i andra kataloger, eftersom vi har skapat ett auktoriserat värde för att avgränsa på kommun. Dessutom räknar den med gallringar och nyförvärv som gjorts sedan årsskiftet - något som de flesta nog tycker är onödigt. En förenklad variant kommer att komma längre ned.
KB-statistiken definierar skönlitteratur som det som har hyllsignum H med underavdelningar. Eftersom ungdomslitteratur har hyllsignum uHc, uHce et cetera så har jag lagt både höger- och vänstertrunkering för H. Tyvärr gör det att man får med även signum som Lz Hansson, Qz Hennes & Mauritz - så den som vill vara noggrann får gärna fixa det
SELECT CASE WHEN branches.branchname IS NULL THEN '=Summa' ELSE branches.branchname END AS Bibliotek, SUM(barn) AS 'Bestånd för barn och unga', SUM(skon) AS 'Bestånd av skönlitteratur', SUM(referensexemplar) AS'Antal referensexemplar', SUM(lasnedsattning) AS 'Bestånd läsnedsättning' FROM ( (SELECT items.homebranch, 1 as barn, 0 as skon, 0 as referensexemplar, 0 as lasnedsattning FROM items LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> AND items.itype IN ('BARN TIDSK','BARNBOK','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3BARN','BARN LJUD','BARNMP3','BARNTAL')) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch, 0 as barn, 1 as skon, 0 as referensexemplar, 0 as lasnedsattning FROM items LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> AND itemcallnumber LIKE BINARY '%H%' AND items.itype IN ('BARN TIDSK','BARNBOK','BOK','LANGLAN','POCKET','TIDSKRIFT')) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch, 0 as barn, 0 as skon, 1 as referensexemplar, 0 as lasnedsattning FROM items LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> AND items.location IN ('REFERENS')) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch, 0 as barn, 0 as skon, 0 as referensexemplar, 1 as lasnedsattning FROM items LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> AND items.itype IN ('BARNTAL','BOKCD','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3','BOKMP3BARN','DAISY','STORSTIL','TALBOKKASS')) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch, -1 as barn, 0 as skon, 0 as referensexemplar, 0 as lasnedsattning FROM items LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> AND items.itype IN ('BARN TIDSK','BARNBOK','BARNKORT','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3BARN','BARN LJUD','BARNMP3','BARNTAL')) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch, 0 as barn, -1 as skon, 0 as referensexemplar, 0 as lasnedsattning FROM items LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> AND itemcallnumber LIKE BINARY '%H%' AND items.itype IN ('BARN TIDSK','BARNBOK','BARNKORT','BOK','KORTLON','LANGLAN','POCKET','TIDSKRIFT')) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch, 0 as barn, 0 as skon, -1 as referensexemplar, 0 as lasnedsattning FROM items LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> AND items.location IN ('REFERENS')) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch, 0 as barn, 0 as skon, 0 as referensexemplar, -1 as lasnedsattning FROM items LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> AND items.itype IN ('BARNTAL','BOKCD','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3','BOKMP3BARN','DAISY','STORSTIL','TALBOKKASS')) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch, 1 as barn, 0 as skon, 0 as referensexemplar, 0 as lasnedsattning FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (deleteditems.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> AND deleteditems.itype IN ('BARN TIDSK','BARNBOK','BARNKORT','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3BARN','BARN LJUD','BARNMP3','BARNTAL')) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch, 0 as barn, 1 as skon, 0 as referensexemplar, 0 as lasnedsattning FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (deleteditems.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> AND deleteditems.itemcallnumber LIKE BINARY '%H%' AND deleteditems.itype IN ('BARN TIDSK','BARNBOK','BARNKORT','BOK','KORTLON','LANGLAN','POCKET','TIDSKRIFT')) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch, 0 as barn, 0 as skon, 1 as referensexemplar, 0 as lasnedsattning FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (deleteditems.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> AND deleteditems.location IN ('REFERENS')) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch, 0 as barn, 0 as skon, 0 as referensexemplar, 1 as lasnedsattning FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (deleteditems.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> AND deleteditems.itype IN ('BARNTAL','BOKCD','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3','BOKMP3BARN','DAISY','STORSTIL','TALBOKKASS')) ) ds LEFT JOIN branches ON (branches.branchcode=ds.homebranch) GROUP BY branches.branchname WITH ROLLUP
Fråga 11 olika bestånd - om man måste utgå från hyllsignum (Förenklad version)
Om man tar alternativet Alla bibliotek i en stor katalog kommer rapporten antagligen att krascha
SELECT CASE WHEN branches.branchname IS NULL THEN '=Summa' ELSE branches.branchname END AS Bibliotek, SUM(barn) AS 'Bestånd för barn och unga', SUM(skon) AS 'Bestånd av skönlitteratur', SUM(referensexemplar) AS'Antal referensexemplar', SUM(lasnedsattning) AS 'Bestånd läsnedsättning' FROM ( (SELECT items.homebranch, 1 as barn, 0 as skon, 0 as referensexemplar, 0 as lasnedsattning FROM items WHERE items.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>> AND items.itype IN ('BARN TIDSK','BARNBOK','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3BARN','BARN LJUD','BARNMP3','BARNTAL')) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch, 0 as barn, 1 as skon, 0 as referensexemplar, 0 as lasnedsattning FROM items WHERE items.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>> AND itemcallnumber LIKE BINARY '%H%' AND items.itype IN ('BARN TIDSK','BARNBOK','BOK','LANGLAN','POCKET','TIDSKRIFT')) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch, 0 as barn, 0 as skon, 1 as referensexemplar, 0 as lasnedsattning FROM items WHERE items.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>> AND items.location IN ('REFERENS')) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch, 0 as barn, 0 as skon, 0 as referensexemplar, 1 as lasnedsattning FROM items WHERE items.homebranch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>> AND items.itype IN ('BARNTAL','BOKCD','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3','BOKMP3BARN','DAISY','STORSTIL','TALBOKKASS')) ) ds LEFT JOIN branches ON (branches.branchcode=ds.homebranch) GROUP BY branches.branchname WITH ROLLUP
Fråga 11 Olika nyförvärv
SELECT branchname, COUNT(CASE WHEN itype IN ('BARN LJUD','BARN TIDSK','BARNBOK','BARNKORT','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3BARN') THEN 1 END) 'Nyförvärv tryckt för barn' FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) WHERE items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum från|date>>-INTERVAL 1 DAY AND <<Datum till |date>>+INTERVAL 1 DAY AND items.homebranch = <<Bibliotek|branches>> GROUP BY homebranch
Fråga 11 Olika utlån
Förutsätter att man har en separat uppsättning exemplartyper för olika sorters barnmedia
SELECT branchname AS Bibliotek, COUNT(CASE WHEN type IN ('issue','renew') AND itemtype IN ('BARNBOK','BARNKORT','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3BARN','BARN LJUD','BARNMP3','BARNTAL') THEN 1 END) 'Utlån för barn', COUNT(CASE WHEN type IN ('issue','renew') AND itemtype IN ('BARNTAL','BOKCD','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3','BOKMP3BARN','DAISY','STORSTIL') THEN 1 WHEN type IN ('issue','renew') AND location IN ('Lattlast','Appelhyllan') THEN 1 END) 'Utlån läsnedsättning' FROM statistics LEFT JOIN branches ON (statistics.branch=branches.branchcode) WHERE statistics.branch = <<Bibliotek|branches>> AND statistics.itemtype IS NOT NULL AND statistics.datetime BETWEEN <<Datum från|date>>-INTERVAL 1 DAY AND <<Datum till |date>>+INTERVAL 1 DAY GROUP BY branch
Fråga 12 Frågor om språk
Bibliotek Mellansjö har ett stort antal äldre katalogposter från ett av de tidigare systemen som saknar språkkod. De flesta av dem är på svenska, så vi låter helt enkelt tom språkkod räknas som svenska
SELECT CASE WHEN substring( ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 36,3 )='swe' THEN '1 Svenska' WHEN substring( ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 36,3 )='' THEN '1 Svenska' WHEN substring( ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 36,3 )='fin' THEN '2 Minoritets' WHEN substring( ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 36,3 )='9mk' THEN '2 Minoritets' WHEN substring( ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 36,3 )='smi' THEN '2 Minoritets' WHEN substring( ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 36,3 )='smj' THEN '2 Minoritets' WHEN substring( ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 36,3 )='sme' THEN '2 Minoritets' WHEN substring( ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 36,3 )='sms' THEN '2 Minoritets' WHEN substring( ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 36,3 )='sma' THEN '2 Minoritets' WHEN substring( ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 36,3 )='rom' THEN '2 Minoritets' WHEN substring( ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 36,3 )='yid' THEN '2 Minoritets' ELSE '3 Utländska' END AS 'Språk', COUNT(*) AS 'Antal titlar' FROM biblio_metadata GROUP BY 1
Vill man räkna bara en del av katalogen lägger man till en WHERE-sats där man säger att biblionumber ska förekomma i och så gör man sitt urval i en subquery. Rapporten går inte att använda rakt av, eftersom den innehåller vårt lokala auktoriserade värde för kommuner
SELECT CASE WHEN substring( ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 36,3 )='swe' THEN '1 Svenska' WHEN substring( ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 36,3 )='' THEN '1 Svenska' WHEN substring( ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 36,3 )='fin' THEN '2 Minoritets' WHEN substring( ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 36,3 )='9mk' THEN '2 Minoritets' WHEN substring( ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 36,3 )='smi' THEN '2 Minoritets' WHEN substring( ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 36,3 )='smj' THEN '2 Minoritets' WHEN substring( ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 36,3 )='sme' THEN '2 Minoritets' WHEN substring( ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 36,3 )='sms' THEN '2 Minoritets' WHEN substring( ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 36,3 )='sma' THEN '2 Minoritets' WHEN substring( ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 36,3 )='rom' THEN '2 Minoritets' WHEN substring( ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="008"]'), 36,3 )='yid' THEN '2 Minoritets' ELSE '3 Utländska' END AS 'Språk', COUNT(*) AS 'Antal titlar' FROM biblio_metadata WHERE biblio_metadata.biblionumber IN (SELECT items.biblionumber FROM items LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) GROUP BY 1
Fråga 14 Lånestatistik
SELECT branchname AS Bibliotek, COUNT(CASE WHEN type = 'issue' AND itemtype IN ('BARNBOK','BARNKORT','BOK','BOKCD','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISY','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3','BOKMP3BARN','KORTLON','LANGLAN','PAKET','REFERENS','SPRAKKURS','STORSTIL') THEN 1 END) 'Utlån tryckt bok', COUNT(CASE WHEN type = 'renew' AND itemtype IN ('BARNBOK','BARNKORT','BOK','BOKCD','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAICY','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3','BOKMP3BARN','KORTLON','LANGLAN','PAKET','REFERENS','SPRAKKURS','STORSTIL') THEN 1 END) 'Omlån tryckt bok', COUNT(CASE WHEN type = 'issue' AND itemtype IN ('LAROMDL','LAROMTERM') THEN 1 END) 'Utlån läromedel', COUNT(CASE WHEN type = 'renew' AND itemtype IN ('LAROMDL','LAROMTERM') THEN 1 END) 'Omlån läromedel', COUNT(CASE WHEN type = 'issue' AND itemtype IN ('BARN LJUD','BARNMP3','LJUDBOK','MP3') THEN 1 END) 'Utlån ljudböcker', COUNT(CASE WHEN type = 'renew' AND itemtype IN ('BARN LJUD','BARNMP3','LJUDBOK','MP3') THEN 1 END) 'Omlån ljudböcker', COUNT(CASE WHEN type = 'issue' AND itemtype IN ('BARNTAL','DAISY') THEN 1 END) 'Utlån talböcker daisy', COUNT(CASE WHEN type = 'renew' AND itemtype IN ('BARNTAL','DAISY') THEN 1 END) 'Omlån talböcker daisy', COUNT(CASE WHEN type = 'issue' AND itemtype IN ('BARN TIDSK','TIDSKRIFT') THEN 1 END) 'Utlån tidskrifter', COUNT(CASE WHEN type = 'renew' AND itemtype IN ('BARN TIDSK','TIDSKRIFT') THEN 1 END) 'Omlån tidskrifter', COUNT(CASE WHEN type = 'issue' AND itemtype IN ('MUSIKCD') THEN 1 END) 'Utlån musik', COUNT(CASE WHEN type = 'renew' AND itemtype IN ('MUSIKCD') THEN 1 END) 'Omlån musik', COUNT(CASE WHEN type = 'issue' AND itemtype IN ('BLURAY','FILM','VHS') THEN 1 END) 'Utlån film', COUNT(CASE WHEN type = 'renew' AND itemtype IN ('BLURAY','FILM','VHS') THEN 1 END) 'Omlån film', COUNT(CASE WHEN type = 'issue' AND itemtype IN ('KARTOR') THEN 1 END) 'Utlån kartor', COUNT(CASE WHEN type = 'renew' AND itemtype IN ('KARTOR') THEN 1 END) 'Omlån kartor', COUNT(CASE WHEN type = 'issue' AND itemtype IN ('MUSIK','MUSIKBARN') THEN 1 END) 'Utlån noter', COUNT(CASE WHEN type = 'renew' AND itemtype IN ('MUSIK','MUSIKBARN') THEN 1 END) 'Omlån noter', COUNT(CASE WHEN type = 'issue' AND itemtype IN ('TV-SPEL') THEN 1 END) 'Utlån TV-spel', COUNT(CASE WHEN type = 'renew' AND itemtype IN ('TV-SPEL') THEN 1 END) 'Omlån TV-spel', COUNT(CASE WHEN type = 'issue' AND itemtype IN ('ARTIKEL','BLANDAT','FOREMAL','SUFRPLATTA','VECKOLAN','X') THEN 1 END) 'Utlån övrigt', COUNT(CASE WHEN type = 'renew' AND itemtype IN ('ARTIKEL','BLANDAT','FOREMAL','SUFRPLATTA','VECKOLAN','X') THEN 1 END) 'Omlån övrigt' FROM statistics LEFT JOIN branches ON (statistics.branch=branches.branchcode) WHERE statistics.branch=<<Bibliotek|branches>> AND statistics.itemtype IS NOT NULL AND statistics.datetime BETWEEN <<Datum från|date>>-INTERVAL 1 DAY AND <<Datum till |date>>+INTERVAL 1 DAY GROUP BY branch ORDER BY branchname
Fråga 16 Fjärrlån
Fråga 16 blandar äpplen och päron. Fjärrlån-in räknar antal lån som gjorts av exemplartyp Fjärrlån. Fjärrlån-ut räknar antal lån som gjorts av låntagare i kategorin bibliotek. Listan med borrowers.cardnumber är bibliotek inom vår egen organisation, eftersom de biblioteken har låntagarkategori bibliotek men inte ska räknas som fjärrlån
SELECT CASE WHEN branchname IS NULL THEN '=Summa' ELSE branchname END AS Bibliotek, SUM(utlan) AS 'Utlån', SUM(inlan) AS 'Inlån' FROM ( (SELECT branch,1 as utlan, 0 as inlan FROM statistics LEFT JOIN borrowers ON (statistics.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber) LEFT JOIN branches ON (statistics.branch=branches.branchcode) WHERE type = 'issue' AND borrowers.categorycode IN ('BIBLIOTEK') AND borrowers.cardnumber NOT IN ('8bxq','8bxz','8bya','8byb','8byc','8byi','8byl','8bym','8byo','8byq','8byr','8bys','Gull','Hjo','Hova','Kabo','Kbro','Mari','Skgy','Sksb','Tida','Tikf','Tore','Vagy') AND statistics.branch LIKE <<Bibliotek|branches:all>> AND statistics.itemtype IS NOT NULL AND statistics.datetime BETWEEN <<Datum från|date>>-INTERVAL 1 DAY AND <<Datum till |date>>+INTERVAL 1 DAY ) UNION ALL (SELECT branch,0 as utlan, 1 as inlan FROM statistics LEFT JOIN borrowers ON (statistics.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber) LEFT JOIN branches ON (statistics.branch=branches.branchcode) WHERE type = 'issue' AND itemtype IN ('FJARRLAN') AND statistics.branch LIKE<<Bibliotek|branches:all>> AND statistics.itemtype IS NOT NULL AND statistics.datetime BETWEEN <<Datum från|date>>-INTERVAL 1 DAY AND <<Datum till |date>>+INTERVAL 1 DAY ) ) ds LEFT JOIn branches On (branches.branchcode=ds.branch) GROUP BY branchname WITH ROLLUP
Fråga 19 Aktiva låntagare
SELECT CASE WHEN branchname IS NULL THEN '=Summa' ELSE branchname END AS 'Låntagarens hembibliotek', COUNT(CASE WHEN code = 'PERSNUMMER' AND LEFT( RIGHT(attribute, 2), 1) % 2 = 0 THEN 1 END) 'Aktiva kvinnor', COUNT(CASE WHEN code = 'PERSNUMMER' AND LEFT( RIGHT(attribute, 2), 1) % 2 = 1 THEN 1 END) 'Aktiva män', COUNT (CASE WHEN borrowers.categorycode IN ('BIBLIOTEK','ELEVTIDA','FORSKOLA','INSTT','KVALON','PERSONAL','PTID','SKOLA','SKOLBIBTID') THEN 1 END) 'Institutionslåntagare', COUNT(CASE WHEN dateofbirth > DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 18 YEAR) OR borrowers.categorycode IN ('ELEVTIDA','SKOLBIBTID','BARN') THEN 1 END) 'Under 18 år' FROM borrowers LEFT JOIN borrower_attributes ON (borrowers.borrowernumber=borrower_attributes.borrowernumber) LEFT JOIN branches ON (borrowers.branchcode=branches.branchcode) WHERE borrowers.borrowernumber IN (SELECT borrowernumber FROM statistics WHERE statistics.datetime BETWEEN <<Datum från|date>>-INTERVAL 1 DAY AND <<Datum till |date>>+INTERVAL 1 DAY AND statistics.branch LIKE <<Utlånande bibliotek|branches:all>> AND statistics.type='issue') GROUP BY branchname WITH ROLLUP
Hur man skapar ett auktoriserat värde för en kommun (eller annan grupp av bibliotek)
Bibliotek Mellansjö har 42 bibliotek som ska redovisa kommunvis av de åtta kommunerna. För att slippa köra alla rapporter 42 gånger och sedan summera resultaten har vi skapat auktoriserade värden för kommuner.
Först behöver man skapa grupper av bibliotek. Det gör man under Koha-administration > Biblioteksgrupper
När det finns färdiga grupper kan man köra denna rapport:
SELECT parent_id, title, description, branchcode FROM library_groups ORDER BY parent_id
Då får man ett resultat som ser ut enligt nedan:
Bild på resultatet av rapporten
Notera hur siffrorna i första kolumnen hör ihop med biblioteksgrupperna: 24 för biblioteken i Gullspångs kommun 28 för biblioteket i Hjo kommun 45 för biblioteken i Karlsborgs kommun och så vidare
Gå sedan in på Administration > Auktoriserade värden > Ny kategori och döper den nya kategorin till ”librarygroupsparentid”
Klicka sedan på ”Nytt auktoriserat värde för librarygroupsparentid” Lägger in siffrorna du fick ovan för de olika kommunerna som auktoriserat värde och kommunnamnet som beskrivning
Nedan följer Bibliotek Mellansjös kommunvisa rapporter - som förutsätter att man har gjort ett auktoriserat värde för kommuner
Fråga 10 Fysiskt bestånd - kommunvis
SELECT CASE WHEN branches.branchname IS NULL THEN '=Summa' ELSE branches.branchname END AS Bibliotek, SUM(tryckt) AS 'Bestånd tryckt bok', SUM(laromedel) AS 'Bestånd läromedel', SUM(ljudbok) AS 'Bestånd ljudböcker', SUM(talbok) AS 'Bestånd talböcker daisy', SUM(musik) AS 'Bestånd musik', SUM(film) AS 'Bestånd film', SUM(kartor) AS 'Bestånd kartor', SUM(noter) 'Bestånd noter', SUM(tvspel) 'Bestånd Tv-spel', SUM(ovrigt) AS 'Bestånd övrigt' FROM ( (SELECT items.homebranch,1 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) LEFT JOIN biblio ON (biblio.biblionumber=items.biblionumber) WHERE (biblio.frameworkcode !='BOKP') AND items.itype IN ('BARNBOK','BARNKORT','BOK','BOKCD','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISY','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3','BOKMP3BARN','KORTLON','LANGLAN','PAKET','POCKET','REFERENS','SPRAKKURS','STORSTIL') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,materials as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) LEFT JOIN biblio ON (biblio.biblionumber=items.biblionumber) WHERE (biblio.frameworkcode ='BOKP') AND items.itype IN ('BARNBOK','BARNKORT','BOK','BOKCD','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISY','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3','BOKMP3BARN','KORTLON','LANGLAN','PAKET','POCKET','REFERENS','SPRAKKURS','STORSTIL') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,1 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.itype IN ('LAROMDL','LAROMTERM') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,1 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.itype IN ('BARN LJUD','BARNMP3','KASSETT','LJUDBOK','MP3') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,1 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.itype IN ('BARNTAL','DAISY','TALBOKKASS') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,1 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.itype IN ('MUSIKCD','MUSCDBARN') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,1 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.itype IN ('BLURAY','FILM','VHS') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,1 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.itype IN ('KARTOR') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,1 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.itype IN ('MUSIK','MUSIKBARN') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,1 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.itype IN ('TV-SPEL') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,1 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.itype IN ('BLANDAT','BOKPASE','CDROM','FOREMAL','FOREMAL3MD','KONTROLL','SALLSKAPSS','SUFRPLATTA','VECKOLAN','X') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,-1 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.itype IN ('BARNBOK','BARNKORT','BOK','BOKCD','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISY','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3','BOKMP3BARN','KORTLON','LANGLAN','PAKET','POCKET','REFERENS','SPRAKKURS','STORSTIL') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,-1 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.itype IN ('LAROMDL','LAROMTERM') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,-1 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.itype IN ('BARN LJUD','BARNMP3','KASSETT','LJUDBOK','MP3') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,-1 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.itype IN ('BARNTAL','DAISY','TALBOKKASS') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,-1 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.itype IN ('MUSIKCD','MUSCDBARN') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,-1 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.itype IN ('BLURAY','FILM','VHS') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,-1 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.itype IN ('KARTOR') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,-1 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.itype IN ('MUSIK','MUSIKBARN') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,-1 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.itype IN ('TV-SPEL') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,-1 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.itype IN ('ARTIKEL','BLANDAT','BOKPASE','CDROM','FOREMAL','FOREMAL3MD','KONTROLL','SALLSKAPSS','SUFRPLATTA','VECKOLAN','X') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch,1 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN branches ON (deleteditems.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (deleteditems.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.itype IN ('BARNBOK','BARNKORT','BOK','BOKCD','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISY','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3','BOKMP3BARN','KORTLON','LANGLAN','PAKET','POCKET','REFERENS','SPRAKKURS','STORSTIL') AND deleteditems.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch,0 as tryckt,1 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN branches ON (deleteditems.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (deleteditems.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.itype IN ('LAROMDL','LAROMTERM') AND deleteditems.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,1 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN branches ON (deleteditems.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (deleteditems.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.itype IN ('BARN LJUD','BARNMP3','KASSETT','LJUDBOK','MP3') AND deleteditems.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,1 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN branches ON (deleteditems.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (deleteditems.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.itype IN ('BARNTAL','DAISY','TALBOKKASS') AND deleteditems.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,1 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN branches ON (deleteditems.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (deleteditems.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.itype IN ('MUSIKCD','MUSCDBARN') AND deleteditems.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,1 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN branches ON (deleteditems.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (deleteditems.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.itype IN ('BLURAY','FILM','VHS') AND deleteditems.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,1 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN branches ON (deleteditems.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (deleteditems.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.itype IN ('KARTOR') AND deleteditems.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,1 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN branches ON (deleteditems.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (deleteditems.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.itype IN ('MUSIK','MUSIKBARN') AND deleteditems.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,1 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN branches ON (deleteditems.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (deleteditems.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.itype IN ('TV-SPEL') AND deleteditems.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,1 as ovrigt FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN branches ON (deleteditems.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (deleteditems.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.itype IN ('ARTIKEL','BLANDAT','BOKPASE','CDROM','FOREMAL','FOREMAL3MD','KONTROLL','SALLSKAPSS','SUFRPLATTA','VECKOLAN','X') AND deleteditems.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) ) ds LEFT JOIN branches ON (branches.branchcode=ds.homebranch) GROUP BY branches.branchname WITH ROLLUP
Fråga 10 Fysiskt nyförvärv - kommunvis
SELECT CASE WHEN branches.branchname IS NULL THEN '=Summa' ELSE branches.branchname END AS Bibliotek, SUM(tryckt) AS 'Nyförvärv tryckt bok', SUM(laromedel) AS 'Nyförvärv läromedel', SUM(ljudbok) AS 'Nyförvärv ljudböcker', SUM(talbok) AS 'Nyförvärv talböcker daisy', SUM(musik) AS 'Nyförvärv musik', SUM(film) AS 'Nyförvärv film', SUM(kartor) AS 'Nyförvärv kartor', SUM(noter) 'Nyförvärv noter', SUM(tvspel) 'Nyförvärv Tv-spel', SUM(ovrigt) AS 'Nyförvärv övrigt' FROM ( (SELECT items.homebranch,1 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) LEFT JOIN biblio ON (biblio.biblionumber=items.biblionumber) WHERE (biblio.frameworkcode !='BOKP') AND items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum från|date>>-INTERVAL 1 DAY AND <<Datum till |date>>+INTERVAL 1 DAY AND items.itype IN ('BARNBOK','BARNKORT','BOK','BOKCD','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISY','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3','BOKMP3BARN','KORTLON','LANGLAN','PAKET','POCKET','REFERENS','SPRAKKURS','STORSTIL') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,materials as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) LEFT JOIN biblio ON (biblio.biblionumber=items.biblionumber) WHERE (biblio.frameworkcode ='BOKP') AND items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum från|date>>-INTERVAL 1 DAY AND <<Datum till |date>>+INTERVAL 1 DAY AND items.itype IN ('BARNBOK','BARNKORT','BOK','BOKCD','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISY','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3','BOKMP3BARN','KORTLON','LANGLAN','PAKET','POCKET','REFERENS','SPRAKKURS','STORSTIL') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,1 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum från|date>>-INTERVAL 1 DAY AND <<Datum till |date>>+INTERVAL 1 DAY AND items.itype IN ('LAROMDL','LAROMTERM') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,1 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum från|date>>-INTERVAL 1 DAY AND <<Datum till |date>>+INTERVAL 1 DAY AND items.itype IN ('BARN LJUD','BARNMP3','KASSETT','LJUDBOK','MP3') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,1 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum från|date>>-INTERVAL 1 DAY AND <<Datum till |date>>+INTERVAL 1 DAY AND items.itype IN ('BARNTAL','DAISY','TALBOKKASS') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,1 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum från|date>>-INTERVAL 1 DAY AND <<Datum till |date>>+INTERVAL 1 DAY AND items.itype IN ('MUSIKCD','MUSCDBARN') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,1 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum från|date>>-INTERVAL 1 DAY AND <<Datum till |date>>+INTERVAL 1 DAY AND items.itype IN ('BLURAY','FILM','VHS') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,1 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum från|date>>-INTERVAL 1 DAY AND <<Datum till |date>>+INTERVAL 1 DAY AND items.itype IN ('KARTOR') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,1 as noter,0 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum från|date>>-INTERVAL 1 DAY AND <<Datum till |date>>+INTERVAL 1 DAY AND items.itype IN ('MUSIK') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,1 as tvspel,0 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum från|date>>-INTERVAL 1 DAY AND <<Datum till |date>>+INTERVAL 1 DAY AND items.itype IN ('TV-SPEL') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch,0 as tryckt,0 as laromedel,0 as ljudbok,0 as talbok,0 as musik,0 as film,0 as kartor,0 as noter,0 as tvspel,1 as ovrigt FROM items LEFT JOIN branches ON (items.homebranch=branches.branchcode) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum från|date>>-INTERVAL 1 DAY AND <<Datum till |date>>+INTERVAL 1 DAY AND items.itype IN ('ARTIKEL','BLANDAT','BOKPASE','CDROM','FOREMAL','FOREMAL3MD','KONTROLL','SUFRPLATTA','VECKOLAN','X') AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>>) ) ds LEFT JOIN branches ON (branches.branchcode=ds.homebranch) GROUP BY branches.branchname WITH ROLLUP
Fråga 10, tidskrifter - kommunvis
SELECT biblio.title AS Titel ,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT branches.branchname SEPARATOR '<br>') AS 'Bibliotek',COUNT(serialid) AS 'Antal mottagna nummer',GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT subscriptionhistory.histstartdate SEPARATOR '<br>') AS Startdatum, CASE WHEN subscriptionhistory.histstartdate > <<Datum från|date>> THEN 'Ny' ELSE '' END AS 'Ny?' FROM subscription LEFT JOIN biblio ON (biblio.biblionumber=subscription.biblionumber) LEFT JOIN serial on (serial.subscriptionid=subscription.subscriptionid) LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (subscription.branchcode=library_groups.branchcode) LEFT JOIN branches ON (branches.branchcode=subscription.branchcode) LEFT JOIN subscription_frequencies ON (subscription_frequencies.id=subscription.periodicity) LEFT JOIN subscriptionhistory ON (subscriptionhistory.subscriptionid=subscription.subscriptionid) WHERE serial.status='2' AND subscription_frequencies.id NOT IN ('4') AND serial.publisheddate BETWEEN <<Datum från|date>>-INTERVAL 1 DAY AND <<Datum till |date>>+INTERVAL 1 DAY AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> GROUP BY subscription.biblionumber HAVING COUNT(serialid)>1 ORDER BY biblio.title
Fråga 11 olika bestånd - kommunvis
SELECT CASE WHEN branches.branchname IS NULL THEN '=Summa' ELSE branches.branchname END AS Bibliotek, SUM(barn) AS 'Bestånd för barn och unga', SUM(skon) AS 'Bestånd av skönlitteratur', SUM(referensexemplar) AS'Antal referensexemplar', SUM(lasnedsattning) AS 'Bestånd läsnedsättning' FROM ( (SELECT items.homebranch, 1 as barn, 0 as skon, 0 as referensexemplar, 0 as lasnedsattning FROM items LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> AND items.itype IN ('BARN TIDSK','BARNBOK','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3BARN','BARN LJUD','BARNMP3','BARNTAL')) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch, 0 as barn, 1 as skon, 0 as referensexemplar, 0 as lasnedsattning FROM items LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> AND itemcallnumber LIKE BINARY '%H%' AND items.itype IN ('BARN TIDSK','BARNBOK','BOK','LANGLAN','POCKET','TIDSKRIFT')) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch, 0 as barn, 0 as skon, 1 as referensexemplar, 0 as lasnedsattning FROM items LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> AND items.location IN ('REFERENS')) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch, 0 as barn, 0 as skon, 0 as referensexemplar, 1 as lasnedsattning FROM items LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> AND items.itype IN ('BARNTAL','BOKCD','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3','BOKMP3BARN','DAISY','STORSTIL','TALBOKKASS')) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch, -1 as barn, 0 as skon, 0 as referensexemplar, 0 as lasnedsattning FROM items LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> AND items.itype IN ('BARN TIDSK','BARNBOK','BARNKORT','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3BARN','BARN LJUD','BARNMP3','BARNTAL')) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch, 0 as barn, -1 as skon, 0 as referensexemplar, 0 as lasnedsattning FROM items LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> AND itemcallnumber LIKE BINARY '%H%' AND items.itype IN ('BARN TIDSK','BARNBOK','BARNKORT','BOK','KORTLON','LANGLAN','POCKET','TIDSKRIFT')) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch, 0 as barn, 0 as skon, -1 as referensexemplar, 0 as lasnedsattning FROM items LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> AND items.location IN ('REFERENS')) UNION ALL (SELECT items.homebranch, 0 as barn, 0 as skon, 0 as referensexemplar, -1 as lasnedsattning FROM items LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (items.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (items.dateaccessioned BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND items.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> AND items.itype IN ('BARNTAL','BOKCD','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3','BOKMP3BARN','DAISY','STORSTIL','TALBOKKASS')) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch, 1 as barn, 0 as skon, 0 as referensexemplar, 0 as lasnedsattning FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (deleteditems.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> AND deleteditems.itype IN ('BARN TIDSK','BARNBOK','BARNKORT','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3BARN','BARN LJUD','BARNMP3','BARNTAL')) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch, 0 as barn, 1 as skon, 0 as referensexemplar, 0 as lasnedsattning FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (deleteditems.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> AND deleteditems.itemcallnumber LIKE BINARY '%H%' AND deleteditems.itype IN ('BARN TIDSK','BARNBOK','BARNKORT','BOK','KORTLON','LANGLAN','POCKET','TIDSKRIFT')) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch, 0 as barn, 0 as skon, 1 as referensexemplar, 0 as lasnedsattning FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (deleteditems.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> AND deleteditems.location IN ('REFERENS')) UNION ALL (SELECT deleteditems.homebranch, 0 as barn, 0 as skon, 0 as referensexemplar, 1 as lasnedsattning FROM deleteditems LEFT JOIN library_groups ON (deleteditems.homebranch=library_groups.branchcode) WHERE (deleteditems.timestamp BETWEEN <<Datum (Nyårsafton i KB-statistiken)|date>> AND CURDATE()) AND deleteditems.homebranch IS NOT NULL AND library_groups.parent_id=<<Kommun|librarygroupsparentid>> AND deleteditems.itype IN ('BARNTAL','BOKCD','BOKCDBARN','BOKDAISYBA','BOKMP3','BOKMP3BARN','DAISY','STORSTIL','TALBOKKASS')) ) ds LEFT JOIN branches ON (branches.branchcode=ds.homebranch) GROUP BY branches.branchname WITH ROLLUP