Lund University library successfully launched Koha 19 June 2018

Lund University library successfully launched Koha on the 19 June 2018. A more comprehensive report will be issued after the summer.

Lund University library was established in 1668 and is one of Sweden’s oldest and largest libraries. Since 1698 it has received legal deposit copies of everything printed in the country. Swedish imprints make up half of the collections, which amount to 170,000 linear metres of shelving (2006). The library serves 620,000 loans per year, the staff is 200 full-time equivalents, and the 33 branch libraries house 2600 reading room desks.

Göteborg University Library is now using Koha

On April 5, 2018, Göteborg University Library announced that they are using Koha as an integrated library system (ILS).

The library’s adaptation of Koha’s ILS has included a wide range of development in areas such as Elasticsearch, libris import, edifact orders, loan card registration forms, custom-designed front-end folders, as well as, interface customization and integration with surrounding systems such as discovery, remote lending, printing systems, group room booking, public computers, etc.

The Primo Discovery System is integrated through a proprietary order application, where borrowers make their orders via links in the Primo hitlists. Additionally, sample lists with current accessibility information are retrieved via a Koha-cgi.

The process of introducing Koha was initiated by a comprehensive process mapping conducted by representatives of the business. The library’s staff have continuously contributed to the foundation, through testing completed development and reconfiguration. This is a fundamental reason why a useful system has been delivered.

Before the library went live, a Koha training was conducted where all employees participated in the introduction and offered in-depth training in each process. The library also developed its own training material.

Göteborg University Library is an academic library with 8 units, 198 employees, 47,000 active borrowers and 1.6 million bibliographic records in Koha. The library uses Koha for circulation, cataloging, periodicals and acquisitions.

A public project report is under way.

For more information please contact the Göteborg University Koha team:

Summary of the first Swedish Koha User Group Hackfest in Lund

The Lund University Library invited on the 29 November 2017 to the Swedish Koha User Group’s first Hackfest.

The hack fest begun at 9 am in the beautiful main building of the University Library in Lund. From Sweden and Norway 18 people met up during the day to develop, hack, and discuss about Koha and related topics. Both Koha users (mainly from Swedish Universities) and Koha service providers attended the hack fest.

After the hosts welcomed everyone with some Swedish “fika” (coffe and cake/sandwich) the meeting was divided into six different tracks. Each track had their own meeting and after a work session the whole party rejoined for a quick check up before lunch. After lunch subgroups were again formed into the different tracks (this time with a somewhat new constellation of participants).  At end of day a wrap up and summary of the day took place that concluded a successful day.

The different tracks that took place during the day and what was discussed and worked upon were:

Track 1: Testing/QA

  • Managing virtual machines in Lund
    • Production/multiuser machines: dedicated Galera, SQL, ElasticSearch
    • Throwaway snapshots

Track 2: Personal ID:s/Navet/personnummer

  • Kreablo: storing personnumer, using patron attribute (generic text field). Would like to do validation on the field and place it at the top of the borrower page
  • Fetching data from Navet. Technical vs. political issues. Talk to Viktor Sarge.

Track 3: Local work flows and infrastructure

  • Local infrastructure, patching, git workflows
  • Proposal from Benjamin to join in a common Nordic fork of Koha
  • Deichmanske workflow
  • Lund, Gothenburg, SUB workflow

Track 4: OPAC

  • Customising the OPAC
  • Facets
  • Logging in
  • Integration with library home page
  • Customisations of staff interface

Track 5: ILL/Libris integration

  • Sharing ideas/code snippets, discussion
  • Identified Libris changes that will impact Koha (IDs changed)
  • ILL (Magnus): 17.11 additions (module, plugins (dummy, “free form”))
  • Swedish ILL plugin inside Koha: WIP
  • Libris new/updated records available (nightly ftp –> OAI-PMH). Harvester waiting to be signed off (SUB/KB-sponsored).

Track 6: ElasticSearch, auth rewrite, REST

  • Talked about authorisation rewrite (Deichmanske) CGI –> Plack (easier to plug in LDAP, Shibboleth, CAS, etc.)
  • Experiences with ElasticSearch (issues, history, advantages over Zebra, benchmarks)
  • REST API (old API more stable but performance issues, new stuff in the new API, but not stable right now, constantly changing, but getting more stable)
  • Architectural improvements ongoing in Koha
    • Idea: have an event bus in Koha
  • Nordic fork, or rather collaboration on any point where we have mutual interests, faster integration, easy to maintain, close to the community version
    • Different opinions in the group! Does it mean you are happy with running your own patches on top of the community version?
    • Pragmatic, realistic views
    • Difficult to maintain forks over time
    • Why not spend more time on working with the community version (i.e. signing off each others’ patches, joining the QA team)
      • Structure? Development group in Swedish Network (more to volunteer!)
    • Slow process is also good, bugs are discovered, etc.
    • How long does it take to get a new feature into the community version?
      • Sign-off (independent), QA, Release Manager
      • Benefit of knowing people and engaging in the community. Communicate your efforts and plans!
  • Extending the network?
  • Plugins (GUB)
    • Use plugins
    • Code in their fork which facilitates plugins (hooks in the code to trigger the plugin)
    • Will submit it to the community version eventually.

Summary of Swedish Koha User Group Meeting at Kristianstad University Library

Between 4-5 October 2017 the Swedish Koha User Group held its fourth meeting at the Kristianstad University Library. About 65 people from Sweden but also visitors from Norway and Denmark attended the meeting.

For the first time Koha service providers, including BibLibre, imCode, Kreablo, and Librotech were present outside of the meeting. The Koha service providers had their own stands where they could market their services to the participants.

The meeting started with the host Kristianstad University Library welcoming all participants. The Steering Committee of the Swedish Koha User Group was presented.

The Technical University of Denmark, DTU, held an introductory speech talking about how they moved from 28 years of Aleph to a Koha platform with a custom built OPAC front-end “DTU FindIt” and cataloging service. The migration work is still ongoing and in 2019 all systems are expected to have been migrated completely. DTU has a two year full-service agreement with BibLibre including free upgrades.

Then Katrineholm Public Library presented their approach to Koha. It is a library composed of 3 regular branches and 16 school library branches. Katrineholm Public Library has signed an agreement with Libriotech for migration, support and maintenance.

Following this the delegates formed discussion groups after the Open Spaces model and discussed fruitfully various Koha related themes. The themes were:

  • Koha and Inter Library Loans
  • Koha and the OPAC
  • Koha and Fees
  • The Swedish Koha User Group – why should we have it? How should it be developed?
  • Koha and translation into Swedish
  • Koha and Technology + Development
  • Koha and Reports

Andreas Hedström Mace from Stockholm University Library held a presentation on the Koha QA process and introduced the delegates to the Wiki platform.

Viktor Sarge from Region Halland held a presentation on the Koha translation process.

The first day finished with the host giving a guided tour of the University library and after that many delegates shared a meal at a local restaurant.

The second day started with Stian F. Kristensen presenting the major Koha project that Deichmanske/Oslo Public Library is pursuing. The City of Oslo is opening a brand new Public Library premise in 2020. The project is ambitious and new technology and services are required and sought after in this new library space. In the spirit to support this Deichmanske decided to move to Koha and also to “Linked Data”/RDF technology. Everything developed in this project is open source and can be found here:

The meeting continued with hands-on workshops having four different sessions. The sessions were:

  1. Doing translation work in Koha
  2. Doing the QA-process in Koha
  3. Mingle with the delegates
  4. Meeting the Koha service providers

After the Workshop and some Swedish “fika” (coffee and cake) Amelia Andersdotter presented the latest news on the new General Data Protection Regulation that is affecting virtually all organizations in the European Union. Amelia was previously member of the European Parliament representing Sweden and the Swedish Pirate Party and is now working for the privacy-focused NGO (

The meeting ended with summary of the two days and the effort to make an initial Swedish Roadmap within the User Group.

Svenska Kohanätverkets fjärde användarmöte i Kristianstad 4-5 oktober 2017
Svenska Kohanätverkets fjärde användarmöte i Kristianstad 4-5 oktober 2017
Svenska Kohanätverkets fjärde användarmöte i Kristianstad 4-5 oktober 2017
Svenska Kohanätverkets fjärde användarmöte i Kristianstad 4-5 oktober 2017
Svenska Kohanätverkets fjärde användarmöte i Kristianstad 4-5 oktober 2017