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Save-The-Date: Swedish Koha User Group meeting 15-17 October 2019
Dates: 15-17 October 2019
Location: Lund University
Conference fee: none
The Swedish Koha User Group, in collaboration with Lund University Library, hereby invite to a meeting for everyone who uses, has chosen, and investigates or are interested in the open and free library system Koha.
We will return with a programme and more information regarding application but please book these dates in your calendar already now. Also please share with interested colleagues.
Kind regards,
Lund University Library in collaboration with the steering committee of the Swedish Koha User Group
Summary of the seventh biannual Swedish Koha User Group meeting in Skövde and Library Mellansjö
Between 26 to 28 of March 2019 a total of 150 delegates from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland met up in Skövde to discuss Koha and open source. The Swedish Koha User Group invited to its seventh biannual meeting and both presentations with speakers from Finland as well as open space discussions, workshops, and hackfest were held. At the same time, an open afternoon about open source were held. This session was open to non-user group members interested in Koha and Open Source. Key Note speaker for the meeting was Professor Björn Lundell, expert on open source in public sector. The meeting days were concluded as being successful and provided the delegates with new impulses and impressions to be taken back home to their own organisations.
The full meeting notes (In Swedish), including recorded presentations, is found here:
(Svenska) Inbjudan till Svenska Kohanätverkets sjunde användarmöte 26-28 mars 2019 i Skövde med Bibliotek Mellansjö
Mid Sweden University decides to go with Koha
The Mid Sweden University has decided to switch ILS to Koha. The plan is to migrate to Koha during 2019 and go live July 2019. The Swedish Koha User Group congratulates on the decision.
Summary of the Swedish Koha User Group meeting in Luleå 17-19 October 2018
Between 17-19 October 2018 the Swedish Koha User Group held its sixth biannual meeting. The host for the meeting was Luleå University Library. About 70 particpants from all around Sweden came to the meeting but also some delegates from Denmark, Norway, France, Germany, and Greece particpated. The conference part included presentations for two half-days on 17 and 18 of October, followed by an optional hackfest on 18 and 19 of October.
Key points from the conference days were:
- Lund University Library described their Koha Go-Live project
- Presentation of the current Koha project run by the User Group with funding from the National Library in Sweden
- Experiences from the KohaCon2018 conference in Portland, OR, USA
- Presentation of the work being done to adapt the Koha ILL module to Swedish workflows
- Presentation of Libris XL, the national union catalogue in Sweden, that now uses linked data instead of MARC
- Presentation of Koha’s history and community by Paul Poulain (BibLibre)
- Gothenburg University Library described their Koha Go-Live project
- Katrin Fischer (BSZ) presented Koha development in the international community
In the hackfest a number of topics were discussed and worked upon. Key points from the hackfest were:
- How to use the ILL module?
- How does Libris XL work with Koha?
- How does ElasticSearch work in Koha?
- How can you use JQuery in Koha?
- Andreas Roussos presented What are some catalog housekeeping scripts for Koha?
Outside the work related topics the meeting also held a guided tour to the UNESCO World Heritage site Gammelstad Church Town, while also one Tex-Mex after work and an Italian dinner were arranged.
For the full meeting documentation (in Swedish) please see:
Report about Koha implementation by Lund University Library
Lund University Library has released a report about their implement of Koha.
Koha + Västmanland County = True
The Region Västmanland has decided to implement Koha as the common ILS for all the public libraries located within the 10 municipalities of Västmanland County. The launch is planned to take place in 2019. The Swedish Koha Group congratulates on the decision and welcome Västmanland into the community.
(Svenska) Inbjudan till Svenska Kohanätverkets sjätte användarmöte i Luleå 17-19 oktober 2018
Stockholm University Library proposes to host KohaCon 2019
Stockholm University Library, with the support of the National Library in Sweden and the Swedish Koha User Group, is proud to announce our proposal to arrange KohaCon in Stockholm 2019. Stockholm University Library has for a long time been actively collaborating around systems and systems development, as well as open source software. We went live with Koha in July 2016, and helped establish the Swedish Koha User Group the same year. Koha is growing rapidly in Sweden (as well as Finland, and other parts of Scandinavia), and we would like to showcase the efforts and commitment that is happening with Koha in our area of the world, as well as give something back to the community!